We kick off Season Six with Glen Kopelchak, founder and MD of Hong Kong based consultancy, Illuminate International Sourcing. Calling himself an “old soul”, Glen’s career in events and exhibitions spans over 30 years and has taken him to all four corners of the earth.

Currently working from Shanghai, he started his career in his home town in Toronto, Canada. Back then the events industry was known as a “phantom industry” because nobody really understood what it all meant. But with a strong desire to see the World, he left a secure corporate job in search of international travel after seizing an opportunity to work for a weekend at an exhibition install. He worked from 6am until midnight on both days (“it was fun – it wasn’t like I was working”) and he never looked back, staying with that same Company for 26 years!

Glen set up his company in Hong Kong seven years ago and really enjoys the short route to satisfaction working in events, along with the unspoken language of trust and community that crosses cultures across the globe – but he stays mindful that “when it comes down to it, you’re only as good as your last job.” Another keen advocate of humility – as many of our guests have been – he believes a mix of confidence and humility works best, warning that “if you’re not humble, eventually you’re gonna get humbled.”

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